The rubber bumper MGB is far easier to modify for a V8 than the earlier chrome bumper cars, only a few body changes have to be made.
The first body modification is to raise the transmission tunnel to accommodate the Rover LT77 5 speed transmission that I will be fitting.
The top of the tunnel was cut out with an electric rip saw, and a new raised panel made to fit the hole and welded into place.
The next job was to cut back the front chassis ends, this is to allow the new Grille to be fit the aperture as part of the chrome bumper conversion. I welded a plate over the chassis end, and over the gaps, and then lead loaded to prevent any corrosion.
There is no room for the Rover V8 oil filter in its normal position, so a remote unit has to be fitted. A bracket was made and welded into place on the o/s/f inner wing, ready for the filter mounting plate.
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